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Monday, March 14, 2011

W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington

W.E.B. Du Bois
             William Edward Burghardt Du Bois
Born:February 23, 1868 in: Great Barring ton, Massachusetts. W.E.B. Du  Bois was a sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africans, author, and editor. He graduated from Harvard, where he had learned his PhD in history, him being the first African American to earn a Doctorate at the University of Harvard. He later became a teacher and then in 1910, founded the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), made the journal The Crisis. He also agreed with Booker T. Washington, and Jim Crow between blacks and whites. He actually provided many dialogues about segregation, and political disfranchisement. He helped found many societies along with the Minnesota attorney found the Niagara Movement. He made The Crisis to A Record of the Darker Races. Du Bois thought blacks should receive a higher education mostly liberal arts. He also thought that blacks should question the whites on all counts. Booker T Washington thought that teaching blacks was a duty meanwhile Du Bois thought it was a idea.


Booker T. Washington

Here is Booker Taliaferro Washington. He was an American educator, author, orator, and political leader. He was a very smart and intellectual man. Many African- Americans looked up to him, a very noble historical figure. You see, he knew how to balance things out; he knew what both white and black communities would believe, and made it work out. He sponsored the powerful whites, MEANWHILE, he gave substantial support to the black community, AND raised the educational funds from BOTH groups, and , being great friend with Jim Crow's segregation. After 1909 Washington was criticized for being in the NAACP, especially from W.E.B. Du Bois, who demanded for stronger grounds for the civil rights. Washington said that that would lead disaster for outnumbered amounts of blacks, that corporation and support from the whites would overcome racism. He also made a speech, for the NAACP and how they thought he was agreed too much for the whites. It was called :the Atlantic compromise. You can easily click that and it would automatically send you to hear his speech.Basically, he was a great man.
                 He had a few things in common with W.E.B Du Bois, like attending the NAACP and running against black discrimination and the unjustified ways Americans would treat blacks racially because of their skin color. Other times Washington and Du Bois argued of what would be great for African-Americans and blacks, and unfortunately, neither one of them where alive to see their success. Although they were great leaders among the blacks community and peoples different ethnics, Washington thought in equality among EVERYBODY not just the blacks because we can't work things out without another. Du Bois mostly focused on blacks and that's it, on how to further their education and ow blacks and blacks and blah blah blah but really, you couldn't do anything really inspiring or marvelous without the whites because at that time period the whites were more powerful than most people.
W.E.B. Du Bois: Died August 27, 1968
Booker T. Washington: Died November 14, 1915

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