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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Splendid Little War

                                                         Spanish American War

                   I would agree to taking land for the backward people who lived the needed the blessing of a civilization because they really need to spice up government and ways of living with their people. They know that those small countries cant survive on their own. They need a bigger country to settle down with them. They need to civilize themselves with proud sponsors. I think that that attitude is great if the government is at risk. I think that the best thing to do is to follow along because you mostly have to think about safety and what if a natural disaster occurs and what if you go to war? Not many people will go for your side, they moslty going to root for the best country, and as of right now, you're not.

                I think that newspaper and television and the Internet can stir up so much feeling that to create wars. Example: Julian Assange. He was a computer hacker that had hacked into the U.S. government agencies and posted it up on a public website called"Wikipedia". Wikipedia had also been resourceful with many other websites and had shared the information anonymous people would post up. Julian was just the guy to hack many of the governments computers and other countries would find out about it and many missiles and wars were almost launched because of this powerful man. Television and newspapers uses propaganda, that some people believe.


  1. Hey, is there a link for information about Julian Assange? He's a great example!

  2. i dont think so, Mr.Oliveros. Although , i did use and They did provide me with alot of information. ALSO, Peoplemagazine's website also helped me.
