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Tuesday, April 26, 2011



.  ECONOMIC COMPETITION & IMPERIALISM: When a large/strong country decides to take over another smaller/weak country / Country tries to have much more money.
.NATIONALISM: When the citizen of such country, is very patriotic for they're country.
.ALLIANCE SYSTEM: When countries were to be in groups, so that they can go to war or participate of warfare to the leading or other country alliances.
.MILITARISM: Countries would have to compete on which one has a higher rank of navy officials, army soldiers, etc. trench warfare, etc.,
ASSASSINATION OF ARCHDUKE FRANCIS FERDINAND: The assassination of Francis Ferdinand sparked the World War 1. Francis Ferdinand was assassinated on June 28 1914, heir apparent to the Austria -Hungarian throne and was killed by Gravilo Princip.

        Two events that "dragged" the United States into the WWI was because of the following:
lusetania sinking
The sink of the Lusitania
In the sink of Lusitania, there was 1000 passengers, as well as 128 of them being Americans. The Lusitania was sunken because Germany had found out that we had been not been staying neutral and supplying materials to England, that's when they said , they would not let us have one of our ships around them, as they would sink it. We had to sail at our own risk. 128 Americans died, as they were innocent , in 1915. Many rumored that there was bombs and cannons in the boat, but that was never proved.
Zimmerman Telegram
zimmermann telgram

The telegram was coded, dispatched by  the Foreign Secretary of the German Empire, Author Zimmerman, and was intercepted by a British man. The telegram was supposed to go to Mexico, as coded, it says that if they side with Russia, they would give them back the land we took away from them. That was strike number 2. The Americans were very frustrated with Russia.That's when Wilson finally asked Congress to declare war.

     Wilson's fourteen points are basically sets of laws that tries to make things "equal" here are them:
1. No more secret agreements ("Open covenants openly arrived at").
2. Free navigation of all seas.
3. An end to all economic barriers between countries.
4. Countries to reduce weapon numbers.
5. All decisions regarding the colonies should be impartial
6. The German Army is to be removed from Russia. Russia should be left to develop
    her own political set-up.
7. Belgium should be independent like before the war.
8. France should be fully liberated and allowed to recover Alsace-Lorraine
9. All Italians are to be allowed to live in Italy. Italy's borders are to "along
    clearly recognisable lines of nationality."
10. Self-determination should be allowed for all those living in Austria-Hungary.
11. Self-determination and guarantees of independence should be allowed for       the Balkan states.
12. The Turkish people should be governed by the Turkish government. Non-Turks in
       the old Turkish Empire should govern themselves.
13. An independent Poland should be created which should have access to the sea.
14. A League of Nations should be set up to guarantee the political and territorial
       independence of all states.
Wilson wanted to make things at a stable manner. In January of 1918, he spoke the speech. In November of 1918 the speech became legal. I think the speech was great and many people sided with his theory and ways of justice.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2 Important Laws that Changed America

Constitution of the United States

                                                                       Jim Crow Law
                                                                JIM CROW LAWS
         After the reconstruction Era of Abraham Lincoln, Jim Crow laws was held, as, separate but equal "facilities for blacks and whites" were constitutional. Whites would be making the lives of black citizens hard, especially by not voting and having equal rights. By 1945, the southern states was more successful with Jim Crow Laws than with second- class statuses of the blacks' ancestors. Jim Crow laws were introduced in 1896 by the case of Plessy V.S Ferguson , as the supreme court legitimized it. Jim Crow Laws did not survive much of because of the social, economic and cultural changes WWII had already made. Jim Crow laws did not let many blacks buy certain things, as well as enjoy political and financial ways of life. In the case of Plessy V.S. Ferguson, the Jim Crow laws were made because of racial discrimination. By 1954, the Jim Crow laws were abolished by the Brown V.S. The Board of Education of Topeka, which desegregated whites and blacks.

                                                         14TH   AMENDMENT
           The 14th amendment is: All citizens of the United States are entitled to be treated equally and fairly and to have their legal rights respected. Southern states were forced to ratify the Fourteenth amendment before they were re-admitted into the Union. The 14th amendment was introduced in June 8th, 1866, and finally ratified June 13th, 1866. Many whites became fanatics. They wanted to hurt and kill all negro African-Americans. Soon, all this obsession with whites and blacks soon lead to Klu Klux Klan , then , the religion of, Nazi. The blacks were mistreated for so many CENTURIES that it was time to act. the law was made so that the African-Americans can enjoy life the same way EVERYBODY has their GOD GIVEN RIGHT to. The 14th Amendment defended many blacks, but that still didn't end discrimination and racism, even today.

                                          HOW ARE THEY ALIKE?
The laws/amendments above has something to do with each other somehow. Its like an " Cause and Effect " relationship. As you can see, the blacks were really never accepted into society. To help them out, the government had to take action because of the torture and cruelty and mistreat that the blacks had. Whites would enslave them, discriminate, degrade them, make them feel like they are worthless. The economy was in a little debt, because of the reconstruction era. Then blacks started working and don't you think they paid them too? yeah, they did. the economy wasn't so great but neither was society so we did a great job. We acted soon enough. the Jim Crow laws talk about how much blacks aren't useful and how they have to be dealt as an outcast.

My resources:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Splendid Little War

                                                         Spanish American War

                   I would agree to taking land for the backward people who lived the needed the blessing of a civilization because they really need to spice up government and ways of living with their people. They know that those small countries cant survive on their own. They need a bigger country to settle down with them. They need to civilize themselves with proud sponsors. I think that that attitude is great if the government is at risk. I think that the best thing to do is to follow along because you mostly have to think about safety and what if a natural disaster occurs and what if you go to war? Not many people will go for your side, they moslty going to root for the best country, and as of right now, you're not.

                I think that newspaper and television and the Internet can stir up so much feeling that to create wars. Example: Julian Assange. He was a computer hacker that had hacked into the U.S. government agencies and posted it up on a public website called"Wikipedia". Wikipedia had also been resourceful with many other websites and had shared the information anonymous people would post up. Julian was just the guy to hack many of the governments computers and other countries would find out about it and many missiles and wars were almost launched because of this powerful man. Television and newspapers uses propaganda, that some people believe.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tsunami / 8.9 Earthquake at Japan 3.11.11

       As you can see, i have found a video from the Japanese news. On March 11, 2011, Japan goes through a 8.9. magnitude earthquake that ha:pend at 2;46 p.m. Tokyo time, alternating a very strong Tsunami that swept through farmland across the northern part of the country.Air and Train traffic shut down. The cellphone communications also has stopped in some areas. A nuclear reactor 170 miles northeast of Tokyo had caught on fire, making the government to shut down of the facility as well as 11 other nuclear power plants. this earthquake is considered the worst to hit ANYWHERE according to the United States Geographical Survey.
      The earthquake was so strong it bring down buildings in Tokyo, 230 miles northeast of the center of the quake. Video footage's show that hundreds of cars, buildings, and homes had been destroyed by the sea along with Japans Northeast coast. According to the New York Times Journal, Japan's official death toll is more than 300 , but that number will soon rise . The part of Sendai, a large city of the epicenter of the quake, reports 200 deaths.
      The Japanese look forward to receiving help from the world as much as they did the same. They want to find out if they can rebuild Japan as it was but it would never be the same.
       Radio activity in Japan has also gotten into their food.Milk from a town and spinach from Ibaraki town both got tested positive in radioactive iodine. Also in water had strangely high radioactive iodine as well as radioactive caesium.Radioactive iodine can be absorbed into the thyroid gland and cause damage, with children and young adults with them being the ones with the most risk.

My resources :


Monday, March 14, 2011

W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington

W.E.B. Du Bois
             William Edward Burghardt Du Bois
Born:February 23, 1868 in: Great Barring ton, Massachusetts. W.E.B. Du  Bois was a sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africans, author, and editor. He graduated from Harvard, where he had learned his PhD in history, him being the first African American to earn a Doctorate at the University of Harvard. He later became a teacher and then in 1910, founded the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), made the journal The Crisis. He also agreed with Booker T. Washington, and Jim Crow between blacks and whites. He actually provided many dialogues about segregation, and political disfranchisement. He helped found many societies along with the Minnesota attorney found the Niagara Movement. He made The Crisis to A Record of the Darker Races. Du Bois thought blacks should receive a higher education mostly liberal arts. He also thought that blacks should question the whites on all counts. Booker T Washington thought that teaching blacks was a duty meanwhile Du Bois thought it was a idea.


Booker T. Washington

Here is Booker Taliaferro Washington. He was an American educator, author, orator, and political leader. He was a very smart and intellectual man. Many African- Americans looked up to him, a very noble historical figure. You see, he knew how to balance things out; he knew what both white and black communities would believe, and made it work out. He sponsored the powerful whites, MEANWHILE, he gave substantial support to the black community, AND raised the educational funds from BOTH groups, and , being great friend with Jim Crow's segregation. After 1909 Washington was criticized for being in the NAACP, especially from W.E.B. Du Bois, who demanded for stronger grounds for the civil rights. Washington said that that would lead disaster for outnumbered amounts of blacks, that corporation and support from the whites would overcome racism. He also made a speech, for the NAACP and how they thought he was agreed too much for the whites. It was called :the Atlantic compromise. You can easily click that and it would automatically send you to hear his speech.Basically, he was a great man.
                 He had a few things in common with W.E.B Du Bois, like attending the NAACP and running against black discrimination and the unjustified ways Americans would treat blacks racially because of their skin color. Other times Washington and Du Bois argued of what would be great for African-Americans and blacks, and unfortunately, neither one of them where alive to see their success. Although they were great leaders among the blacks community and peoples different ethnics, Washington thought in equality among EVERYBODY not just the blacks because we can't work things out without another. Du Bois mostly focused on blacks and that's it, on how to further their education and ow blacks and blacks and blah blah blah but really, you couldn't do anything really inspiring or marvelous without the whites because at that time period the whites were more powerful than most people.
W.E.B. Du Bois: Died August 27, 1968
Booker T. Washington: Died November 14, 1915

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Welcome !

             Welcome to my blogging spot called American History Section! You are more than welcome to comment on my posts, along with following me! If you want to follow me, there are some links at the bottom of this page. I will blog about what I learn in class, and what I have to do for homework. My work will be 100% copyright friendly and will be creative and fun with this project. If you have any questions or comments, you my do so below my Welcoming blog !